always miss that moment

Posted Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010 by IMA

I just saw photos of me and my friends in my beloved junior high school, called BENTO i'm in senior high school now and i always miss every moment what i've done at last time. when not having the lesson and there's no teacher, we played and took some photo, when having the funny matter, we took many photos and anything that was done by us, was kept by us in a photograph and always will be in my mind and never forgotten. i was crying last night while i really  want to turn back the time even can't :( too much task need to do in senior high school. i want my freetime and long holiday!! yaa although i've already comfort with my new friends but no one no place no things can't replace BENTO in my heart, i swear. i miss you so damn BENTO!! and everything in you. there is love in every corner haaa so, two thumbs up and bunch of love for BENTO♥ ♥ 
but, now i smile and little laugh when i see too much photo of us :) 

don't let your funny moment in junior high school thrown away 

25 november 2010

Posted Sabtu, 27 November 2010 by IMA

It was thursday.......

hari itu sama seperti hari -hari sebelumnya, namun ada yang berbeda saat pelajaran kimia di siang hari. pelajaran yang sedang kami pelajari adalah tentang hukum dasar kimia. bab ini emang ngga terlalu sulit cuma agak membingungkan sehingga menciptakan suasana kelas yang ricuh dan penuh percakapan lucu. dimulai dari Inan yang terkejut karna Bu Indah berhasil menyelesaikan soal dengan cepat dan tepat dan tiba-tiba dia bilang dengan suara agak pelan "ih kok bisa sih" tetapi didengar oleh Bu Inda dan dia bilang "iyalah ibu kan guru" B) wohoow semua tertawa untuk beberapa saat. dan tiba-tiba teman sebangku gue, Mifna bialng "yaudah gue mau deh jadi guru" wakakak kami tertawa kembali dan......great! untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah dan memecahkan rekor muri.....-_- kelas X7 tertawa bersama Bu Inda. 

Don't think that chemist is difficult if we didn't yet try

Just walk

Posted Jumat, 12 November 2010 by IMA

Ketika keadaan di sekitarmu sangat ramai tetapi kamu merasa sendiri. Ketika semua orang di sekelilingmu tertawa tetapi kamu bersedih. Ketika teman-temanmu berhasil mendapatkan apa yang dicita-citakan tetapi kamu gagal. Ketika semua orang sudah tertidur lelap tetapi kamu masih berjalan sendiri mencari jati diri

Yap I had no choice I'm student of senior high school now. It's been 4 month but I can't adapted. At first, I thought "how lucky I am" but now it is so difficult for me. It's just unusual. I wake up-breakfast-go to school-have a course what a tiring life. I always pray the best for me but if the result is far from what I want, I will not give up and always smile because life not stuck on that time

SMA itu.......sulit, capek, sakit hati. Ngga semudah yang dipikirkan. Sekarang emang belum ngerasain masa-masa indah SMA. Yang ada malah nilai jelek, pelajaran susah, ulangan remed T__T pertamanya emang down banget sampe pernah nangis di kelas karna emang udah ngerasa ngga mampu sedangkan temen-temen dapet nilai bagus. But now, let it flow guys we have same brain it means we can do the best 

Bye xoxo :3